Affiliate Marketers are always looking for ways to promote their respective affiliate links. Utilizing the power of the internet, most affiliate can easily plug their links in a variety of places in order to get the best results and reach the most amount of potential customers.
I’ve listed 6 great places to promote your affiliate links below. These are the exact places that I tend to put my links in order to drive traffic to my affiliate offers.
Facebook is one of the biggest social media sites online today. Everyone and their grandmother are on Facebook at least several times a day.
Placing your links on Facebook is a great way to get more exposure. You have to be careful about overly posting your links however.
Personally I like to use the “description” area when I post. So for instance, if I post a photo of my computer and a cup of coffee beside it, I will say a few words in the description about how I’m grinding or working on my business. Then I will drop a link to my website or a relevant article.

I’ve also used Facebook to promote my affiliate links, by dropping them within comments on other friends posts. In this situation, I will address a problem they are having with a solution (my link).
For instance, if a friend posts something about not being happy with their current vacuum cleaner, I will comment saying something along the lines of “I recently purchased vacuum A and have been pleasantly surprised with its power and quality.” Then I will drop my affiliate link to that particular vacuum.
Twitter works the same way, in that most people are on Twitter and if you can make use of hashtags, you can reach a ton of potential customers. Once again, I tend to put links to my website blog posts in a tweet. These are blog posts that are usually reviews of products and thus filled with affiliate links.
Doing it this way keeps you from violating the policies of not spamming you affiliate links as well as getting more people to your website. If you don’t have a website or blog post, I highly recommend getting one.
You can get training and have one set up in less than 30 seconds HERE!
Within Instagram, there are really only 2 places you can promote your affiliate links. One is within your profile and the other is within Stories.
My suggestion is that you put your website link in your profile area (you are allowed 1 link there). If there is one major affiliate program that you are promoting you could also put that instead. The reason I suggest putting your website link, is because this gets visitors to your website where they will be exposed to your affiliate offers.
Once you have reached the level where you can add links to your Stories, this is another great place to promote your links. Create a story talking about the product and tell people to swipe up for more information or to purchase their own.
Most influencers do this on a regular basis. They will have entertaining and funny stories and then mixed within those, they will promote an affiliate product here and there.
Pinterest is incredibly easy to use and an excellent source for affiliate traffic. People are literally searching on Pinterest for things that they are in the market for. This leads to greater conversions.
In order to promote your affiliate links, you need to create a blog post that is structured like a product review. Use relevant and engaging photos in your post so that you can pin them to pinterest and attach your link to it.
I use Pinterest every single time I create a new blog post. I simply take the url link and add it to a pin, grab the most appealing image from the site and then say a little about the product.
Remember that your blog post review will have the actual affiliate links in them. Pinterest doesn’t mind this, but it does have a problem if you just pin your actual affiliate link.
YouTube Videos
If you didn’t already know, YouTube is basically a search engine… much like Google or Yahoo. People search for everything on YouTube and therefore, it’s a great place to promote your affiliate links.
Unlike the other Social Media sites, you can actually put your straight affiliate link in the description of your videos. I even add a call to action in my video that directs people to the link.
The best way to use this platform is to create value videos as well as product reviews. Tell people specifically to click the link in the description if they want to purchase or check out the product for themselves.
You can add more than one in the description box, so I would suggest keeping the other ones relevant to your video.
I use this strategy a lot and I’ve had great success with it. Feel free to check out my channel and see exactly how I use my links.
Website Blog
Having your own website is not necessary for an Affiliate Marketer, but it is highly recommended. Personally, I use my website to build my audience and promote various products and programs that I am affiliated with.
I have complete control of my blog, which gives me more freedom that the social media platforms allow. Creating content is not difficult and if done correctly you can drive massive traffic to your blog posts and make affiliate sales as a result.
If you are reading this post right now, you are on one of my websites. I have several, but this one is the first one I built and I’ve been making money with it since 2014.
The obvious way that you can promote affiliate links is to add them to your posts through call to action buttons or text as well as through images.
If you are unfamiliar with how to build a website and promote your links, I suggest you take advantage of an incredible training program that is designed to help you start your own blog site as well as teach you everything you need to know to market it.
You can click here to read more about it!
Finally, there is… a platform where people can ask questions or search for answers to questions they have. It can literally be about anything. This is where you come in.
By answering someone’s question about a certain product or program, you can add a link to your affiliate offers within your answer. I suggest sending them to a relevant blog post because if you spam out your affiliate links too much, you will get banned.
But just like the other social media platforms, linking to a blog post you wrote will do 2 things. One it will get traffic/visitors to your website and two it will get your affiliate links in front of them.
I have some more training on how to use Quora effectively… you can check that out here!
Conclusion – Why You NEED a Website
As you can tell, having a website is incredibly beneficial to the Affiliate Marketer. It is basically your main hub for sending potential customers to.
With the limitations that most social media and forum sites put on affiliate links, it is extremely important to have a neutral place where you can send visitors and still get exposure to your various links.
This is why I recommend building a website and using that as the vehicle to deliver your affiliate products. It’s not hard to build one if you know what you are doing.
I suggest checking out Wealthy Affiliate for all the training and tools you need to build a successful website.